About Mahua

Mahua is known as alcoholic product but my team under Lifon Nutraceuticals has prepared natural products from Mahua flowers collected from Tribal people of Gadchiroli. The products include Mahua Jam, Mahua Sanjeevani, Mahua Kishmish without artificial colors and flavours. Mahua flowers are highly nutritious and beneficial for many health problems.

Benifits of using Mahua Product

Mahua is known as tribal India's tree of life and useful in health diseases like heart, solves eye problems, blood diseases and many other health issues. In Nagpur and nearby regions like Gadchiroli, to address the problem of alcoholics we formulated various Products of Mahua and out of these products we are trying to replace alcohol made of Mahua with Mahua Sanjeevani (sharbat) made by Lifon Nutraceuticals.

About Our Team Research Work and Success story

Gadchiroli is known as naxalite place and in this region there is huge population of Tribal people. Our team has visited this area many times to address the various issues of tribal people. Out of these, we came to know about Mahua Daru made of Mahua flowers. Here people (mostly males) are addicted to Mahua Daru. To cure this problem, we started purchasing Mahua flowers from these tribal people and prepared Mahua sharbat which is prepared in natural form and is useful for migraine, digestion, work as antacid, appetiser. Our team is now concentrating on replacing Madua Daru with Mahua Sharbat by creating awareness among tribal people with the help of Gondwana Paramparik Vanaushdhi Vaidya Mandal.

Our team at Lifon Nutraceticals is not striving for world class technologies because we want to make our products easily available at affordable -price for everyone. We use some simple machinery and create employment with our work. We arrange some social awareness programs about benefits of Mahua.

We at Lifon Nutraceuticals have developed unique formulas of Mahua products Mahua Shakti, Mahua Sanjeevani. The formulas of Mahua Shakti and Mahua Sanjeevani are Tradesecret. Mahua Shakti is developed to replace artificial jam available in market which is very harmful and has carcinogenic agents. To overcome this issue we have developed formula of Mahua Shakti in Jam form. The name Lifon is registered trademark but we changed some changes in logo so again we again in process of registering trademark.

Our team is doing door-to-door marketing of Mahua products in Gadchiroli as we want to replace Mahua Daru with Mahua Sanjeevani (sharbat) because we do not want to invest much on advertising of our products as more advertising increase cost of products. We purchase Mahua flowers from tribal (adivasi) people otherwise earlier mahua flowers were being wasted or were being used for some unproductive work.

We train the students at our institute, Institute of Management Sciences and Research (IMSR) www.imsr.in with entrepreneurship course, and help them in starting their business with minimum investment. We help our students in marketing their products under Lifon- Start up club. Some of our students are involved in manufacturing and marketing of Mahua products.

Lifon Nutraceuticals is under process of launching India’s first herbal Mahua cold drink. This herbal cold drink will be free from artificial sugar and additives. Launching Mahua cold drink is unique concept of Lifon Nutraceuticals with no side effects.

We do not want to compete with anyone because our concept is not just earning money from business but our concept is to generate employment and become entrepreneurs. We are being appreciated for our work for tribal people at district level and hope to get recognition at national and international level with our goodwill.

We strive to maintain quality of our products by making company-customer relationship. We believe in long term relationship by proving high quality products because any business does not run only by earning money but by goodwill also

Lifon Mahua Sanjeevani

Mahua is tribal India’s ‘Tree of Life’. “Lifon Nutraceutical’s” Mahua Sanjeevani is useful for acidity. If taken empty stomach in morning, it solves problem of acidity, indigestion. Generally in India, Mahua is misconcepted as alcoholic beverage but we at Lifon have made ‘Sanjeevani version’ of Mahua which stimulate appetite, work as blood purifier.

Lifon Mahua Shakti

Lifon Mahua Shakti is consumed in semisolid form which is consumed by kids as Jam, chutney. It can be eaten with Chapati or bread. It cure infertility in men. Lifon Mahua Shakti is rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. Lifon Nutraceutical use minimal preservatives in its products. Preservatives make the product carcinogenic, so we discourage use of toxic preservatives.

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